Turkish Burpee Broad Jumps – 2023-01-07

AO: Shadow
QiC: Wreck-It Ralph
Pax Count: 18
Pax List: BiBo, Billboard, Dorian, Dunder, DYN-O-MITE!, Gold Bond, GreenBean, Milton, Mossad, Potter, Radar, Ricochet, Rum Runner, Scout, Stifler, Suds, Wreck-It Ralph
FNG Count: 0
Downrange: Shrinkage

Warm up:

Mosey to Dunwoody Elementary Parking Lot (Suds’ Lido Deck)

  • Motivator 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
  • Newton’s Cradle 15x ic
  • Imperial walker 15x ic
  • Mary Katherine 15x ic
  • Windmill 15x ic
  • Low slow squat 15x ic

Rinse and Repeat

  • Toy soldiers
  • Butt kickers
  • High knees
  • Karaoke

Around the parking lot

The Thang:

Mosey to side lot for Bear Crawl/Crab Walk across the lot, plank for the six.

Mosey down to the cul de sac for Mary:

  • Dying Beetle 15x ic
  • Big Boi Situps 15x ic
  • Dying Cockroach 15x ic
  • Advance Boat Canoe 15x ic
  • Freddy Mercury 15x ic
  • Heels to Heaven 15x ic
  • Plank 30 sec
  • 5 merkins
  • Plank 30 sec
  • 5 werkins
  • Plank 30 sec
  • 5 diamond merkins

Mosey to the bottom of the trail and climb to the street and mosey to the Old Austin Park, SSH for the six.

Partner off for:

  • 100 merkins (combined, 10 at a time while partner holds plank)
  • 100 Big Boi situps/hold legs 6″
  • 100 squats/al gore

Run around the field for the six.

Line up on the field for Turkish Burpee Broad Jumps in the frozen grass and mud.  (It’s just like it sounds like.  YHC’s fitness instructor wife said it sounds stupid and dangerous.  If you missed it, don’t worry – we’ll do it again soon!)

Mosey back to the bottom of DNC hill and run the trail again!

Plank for the six, then

  • Curb Dips 15x ic

Mosey to the bottom of the hill for high knees with intermittent burpees.


Green Bean prayed for us and for some specific people undergoing great challenges.