AO: The Rig
QiC: Vertigo
Pax Count: 9
Pax List: Buttercup, Chuckie, Frizzle, Gates, Gronkins, Jumbo, Smalls, Swag, Vertigo
FNG Count: 0
The Ancient Scriptures of Q: Part I
Vertigo shared what he learned at Q School and all the nights he woke up in cold sweats thinking of Q, researching his Ancient Scriptures. A primary focus was placed on Leaving No Man Behind. Vertigo will remember his speaker next time. Vertigo likes speaking in the third person. Vertigo could get used to this.
Warm up:
20 Side Straddle Hops (SSHs)
20 Don Quixotes
10 Merkins
Arm rotations and then flapjack (reverse)
15 Squats
The Thang:
Dora 1-2-3-4 with a focus on teamwork and coupons. Lunge walks took place when teammates weren’t throwing coupons around.
100 Derkins
200 Thrusters
300 Coupon Swings
400 Rows
The men counted off and gave personal insights on what F3 meant to them and why they keep waking up so so early. 😴
*Prayers of thanks for Jumbo’s uncle being taken off a ventilator and in recovery
*Prayers of thanks that Gronkins’ grandfather had a successful quadruple bypass surgery
*Continued prayers for Spacelaw’s cousin who is in hospice and her family
*Happy Trees — hope you feel better!!
*RedRyder — pics of the boat or it didn’t happen 🚢
Naked Man Moleskin:
Vertigo will bring his speaker. Vertigo will also continue to post Nicolas Cage GIFs in the Slack to everyone’s chagrin.
Thankful for all of you and let it snow this weekend!!! ❄️