Taking care of business at 7-11 – 2022-09-16

AO: The Rig
QiC: Frizzle
Pax Count: 5
Pax List: Buttercup, Frizzle, Tofu, Tommy John, Zero
FNG Count: 0

Your HC wasn’t sure how sore himself and the pax would be after IPC week 2, and wanted to offer a beatdown with an extended warmup and that hopefully focused on different muscle groups and mix of heavy weight with good form. YHC was moving a bit slower than expected, mentally and physically, so the beatdown was maybe less than a full ShakeWeight experience – perhaps this was Stirweight?

Warm up:

SSH IC x20, weed picks IC x15, imperial walker IC x15, mountain climbers IC x20, hillbillies IC x15, beetle IC x12, vertical scissors IC x12, back stretch, arm circles, bear hugs, neck rolls.

The Thang:

11’s of: body weight squat / coupon squat (front, shoulder, or back) – 121 reps total

7’s of: coupon shoulder press / wide merkin (focus on pectorals) – 42 reps

Quick mosey to Wood’s patio and back

11’s of: coupon shrug (one coupon in each hand) / BBC

7’s of: pull-ups / coupon hip thrusts

Getting close to time, so skipped the mosey and the last 11 for

7’s of: murder bunnies / coupon merkins


Great to have a community that will come out and exercise / push each other, especially when we’re not 100% or not all equally athletic. Great to have a reason to come work out. Important to remember not everyone has that community or reason, so keep in mind that not everyone around you has an outlet and may carry more inside than we know.

Naked Man Moleskin:

Oktoberfest isn’t in October. Circle of trust can sometimes betray you with the 5th F.