Richard “Dick” Draeger – 2023-08-09

AO: Shakeweight
QiC: Aquafaba
Pax Count: 4
Pax List: Aquafaba, DADU, Gronkins, Trotline
FNG Count: 0

Warm up:

Classic dynamic stretching

The Thang:

  1. Push Press (75lbs) (We used 50lb sandbags or mega coupons & a 25lb vest)
  2. Dips
  3. Burpees
  4. Sumo deadlift with high pull (75lbs) (We used 50lb sandbags or mega coupons & a 25lb vest)

Reps of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 of each exercise for each round.

Example: 10 reps of each four exercises, once completed, 9 reps of each four exercises. Work your way down and up the latter.

**Trotline and I made it to the 9th rep on our way up the latter. It was a great workout.


Naked Man Moleskin:

460 calories, a few farts, and a lot of sweat