AO: Warning Track
QiC: Smokey
Pax Count: 13
Pax List: Biscuit, Boo, Chowda, Flatbed, Paddy, Plucker, Potato Head, Red Tape, Smokey, Sunshine, Tommy Boy
FNG Count: 0
Downrange: BubbaSparxx, Bluegrass
Warm up:
SSH, Don Quixotes, Weedpickers, Imperial Walkers, Arm Circles, Merkins, Mosey (0.1 mi)
The Thang:
Mosey around island w/ C. (0.1 mi)
Don’t let C touch ground entire workout ( unless part of movement, eg Blockee) Penalty for setting down coupon – 10 Blockees for both partners
50 Blockees
100 Side lunges w/C (hard way- probably should have been single count)
150 OH Press w/C
200 Curls w/C
200 gravediggers
200 Squats w/C
200 chest press w/C
200 Rows w/C
prayers for F3Knoxville and Cardinal’s family. Prayers for those who have lost jobs. Prayers for QT.