Goggins – 2023-03-05

AO: The Enterprise
QiC: Credit
Pax Count: 2
Pax List: Credit, Purple Cow
FNG Count: 0

Warm up:

SSH, Weedpickers, Don Q, Imperial Walkers, Motivators

The Thang:

Mosey around the park for the first half – periodic stops to complete the following:

20 merkans, 18 merkans…2 merkans

20 Big boys sit-ups, 18 BBS…2 BBS

Quick breather

~25 yard bear crawls x 10 and run back after each of the following exericises:

100 SSH

80 Air Presses

60 LBC’s

40 Squats

20 Burpees

Run back to start


No announcements, close in prayer. Coffeeteria with Terminus guys at Dancing Goats after

Naked Man Moleskin: