AO: The Enterprise
QiC: Credit
Pax Count: 2
Pax List: Credit, Purple Cow
FNG Count: 0
Warm up:
SSH, Weedpickers, Don Q, Imperial Walkers, Motivators
The Thang:
Mosey around the park for the first half – periodic stops to complete the following:
20 merkans, 18 merkans…2 merkans
20 Big boys sit-ups, 18 BBS…2 BBS
Quick breather
~25 yard bear crawls x 10 and run back after each of the following exericises:
100 SSH
80 Air Presses
60 LBC’s
40 Squats
20 Burpees
Run back to start
No announcements, close in prayer. Coffeeteria with Terminus guys at Dancing Goats after