Gardening the Arm Farm – 2022-06-24

AO: The Rig
QiC: Tofu
Pax Count: 3
Pax List: Buttercup, Frizzle
FNG Count: 0

Warm up:

The group gathered on todays beautiful morning with their gardening tools of coupons and sandbags. A great day to water the crops.

The warm up was SSH – Low slow squats – imperial walkers, arm circles , two minutes of stretching

The Thang:

Arm Farm:

In order for the crops to grow efficiently one group would water while the other group would rest.

Coupon/ sandbag curls – 3 alternating sets till failure

Coupon tricep extension – 3 alternating sets till failure

50lB Sand bag Jump squats – 3 sets of 10 as a group

50LB Sandbag push-ups – 3 alternating sets till failure

50lb sand bag rows while other group did coupon overhead press at the same time – 3 alternating sets till failure

50 Lb Sandbag jump squats – 3 sets of 10

Final watering session: Curls, Tricep extensions, weighted push-ups, rows, overhead press. Did one constant set of each until failure.

Final recovery jump squats – one set of 10


Buttercups new job!

Naked Man Moleskin:

You have to water the garden for the seeds to grow.