AO: Hot Tin Roof
Pax Count: 6
Pax List: Beetle, Bologna, Dr Dolly, Nougat, OK, Reggie
FNG Count: 0
“Fire Drill” beatdown to bring the heat to an uncomfortably cold morning
6 guys had just come to work and were warming up for the day:
- 10 butt kickers
- 10 skip jumps
- 10 merkens
- 5 pullups
- 10 skip jumps
- 10 merkens
- 5 pullups
- 10 off count squat jumps
- 10 merkens
- 5 pullups
…when all of sudden there were 3 sets of explosions:
- 6 hand release merkens into exploding pushup with hand clap
- 3 exploding pullups (explosive pull up and touch sky with one hand as high as possible)
…the explosions led to a raging fire:
- 15 Mary Catherines
- 15 squats
- 1 minute preacher’s chair
…the guys took off running to escape the fire:
- Half mile hard run around horse park ending at Galloway School
…the fire department showed up and hooked up 2 sets of hoses:
- 15 dirty dogs on each side
…after hearing sounds of a cat caught in the building the firefighters climbed the ladder into the building:
- 10 rounds of 5 exercises (burpees, squats, full sit-ups, merkens, lunges)
- 10 reps of each exercise 1st round, 9 reps 2nd round, 8 reps 3rd round, etc. down to 1 rep of each exercise on final round
…the firefighters bravely crawled through the building to find and save the cat:
- Commando crawl across green turf field to get cat; immediately turn around and commando crawl back
…they then sprayed 3 sets of water on the fire to put it out:
- Low plank (i.e., pushup position held 2″ off ground) held to failure at bottom of amphitheater hill
- Sprint to top of hill
- Max set of merkens at top of hill
…as the sun was rising, the workers cleaned up the debris from the fire:
- 100 KB swings using CMUs to knock down the building
- 100 weighted squats using CMUs to carry away the debris
…exhausted, the workers called it a day and headed out for a cup of Joe:
- 10 skip jumps cool down