EMOM at Shakeweight #6 – 2022-06-10

AO: The Rig
QiC: Gates
Pax Count: 4
Pax List: Buttercup, Gates, Happy Trees, Sparky
FNG Count: 0

Shakeweight week #6 and we gained 2 new Shakeweight PAX – Happy Trees and Sparky (2nd day in a row of posting as he was just a FNG yesterday)…so already some solid gains for Shakeweight.

Warm up:

SSH, Don Quixotes, Merkins, Mtn Climbers, Weed Pickers, Squats

Mosey around 1/2 block back to start

The Thang:

Deconstructed power clean

  • Set 1: 10 reps sandbag dead lifts thenĀ  squats
  • Set 2: 10 reps sandbag high pulls then jungle boy squats
  • Set 3: 10 reps sandbag hang cleans then squat jumps
  • Set 4: 10 reps sandbag push press then bonnie blairs or alternating lunges
  • Set 5: Put it all together to perform 10 reps of sandbag power clean w/ push press

EMOM 10 Rounds:

5 dead lifts
5 hang cleans
5 front squats
5 presses

Time left for 4:48 Plankorama: high plank, right/left arm high, elbow plank, right/left leg high, right/left side plank, end with high plank


Thought of the day: is the world a danger or safe place (how do I operate from a place of trusting in the safety of being a child of God)? Closed with TaPs for Jumbo’s grandmother and family, Buttercup’s SIL fostering, Sparky’s fiancee’s upcoming procedure, and Happy Tree’s upcoming travel.

Naked Man Moleskin: