AO: The Beach
QiC: Bubbles
Pax Count: 2
Pax List: Bubbles, Pappy
FNG Count: 0
Warm up:
imperial walker ICx10
weedpicker ICx10
tempo merkin ICx10
little baby arm circles ICx10
The Thang:
YHC is celebrating 9 years of marriage today, so 9 of something seemed appropriate.
moseyed around the immediate neighborhood then over to the field beyond John Lewis elementary. One pax ran the length of the field and back while the other completed the prescribed exercise, amrap:
1. Pull-up/hang
2. lunges
3. BBS
4. Merkins
5. Squats
6. Hanging leg raises
7. Dips
8. burpees
9. elbow plank
moseyed to the cement wall behind the school for a 90 second wall sit, then up to the park field for some stretching to cool down.
discussed parenting and dealing with behavioral issues with some solid advice from Pappy.