Super Bowl Monday Blues – 02/08/2021

AO: Shadow
QiC: Seles
Pax Count: 7
Pax List: Billboard, Box Checker, Curveball, Manhole, Novocaine, Seles, Team Mom
FNG Count: 0

The morning after the Super Bowl and YHC was expecting a small crowd, but a nice group assembled just before 6 in the 30 degree frosty air.  There was some talk about the officiating and other game stuff before the beat down began, but all were glad to get moving and ultimately sweating.

Warm up:

14 Imperial Walkers, 14 Side Straddle Hops, 14 Sumo Squats, 7 Dry Dock Crabs, 7 Crab Taps, 7 Floyd Mayweathers.  Mosey 1 lap around the baseball field.

The Thang:

Start with a Fire Drill (5 rounds)

Line up on the end line of the small soccer field in the baseball outfield for a sequence of exercises:

5 merkins then run to other end line (toel)

10 squats then run toel

15 Boxcutters then run toel

20 Stone Mountains then run toel

25 Standing Lunges then run toel

30 Advanced Boat Canoes then run toel

35 Arm Circles then run toel

40 Prisoner Squats then run toel

45 LBCs then run toel

50 Moroccan Nightclubs then “all you got” sprint toel

Fire Drill (5 rounds)

Mosey to Pavilion for 11’s: Step Ups and Dips  3X

Mosey back to start for some plank


Novocaine took us out.  Reminder of Tartan Trot (2/20 race) F3 team sign-up.  YHC will be Q for that same Saturday beatdown at 7:00 at Dunwoody Nature Center.

Naked Man Moleskin: