3 Mikes and a Jon Run Across the Road – 2023-08-25

AO: Shadow
QiC: Manhole
Pax Count: 4
Pax List: Manhole, Rum Runner, Scout, Skynet
FNG Count: 0
Downrange: N/A

4 of us gathered, for the Big Dawg run, but where was the biggest of the Dawgs? In any event, the clock struck 0530 on this warmest of mornings (76 degrees, with the 86% humidity felt like 80!!) and so we crossed the street and got going.

Warm up: None

The Thang:

Ran down Cham-Dun to Mt. Vernon (eastbound) to Oxford Chase Way, where we did a little ring around the island and hightailed it back. We took turns setting the pace, though Skynet was definitely feeling it this AM and Scout (who put on that he was under the weather) looked no worse for wear.

Just over 4.0 in just under 40.


Rumrunner took us out, with prayers for those that are sick, that are ailing, or those that have simply lost their path and are struggling to find it again.

Naked Man Moleskin: