A pyramid of burpees – 2023-07-19

AO: The Beach
QiC: Bubbles
Pax Count: 3
Pax List: Bubbles, My pleasure, Pappy
FNG Count: 0

Warm up:

SSH, weed pickers, drunken hillbillies, Floyd mayweathers, SSH

The Thang:

Mosey to drew valley rd to begin the burpee loop, a variant of the merkin mile. Mosey down the road stopping at each driveway to perform burpees, pyramid style – 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1, and so on.

Burpee loop continued onto skyland trail, where we found a nice hill and took a pause to jog up it backwards and walk down backwards x2.  Resumed the burpee loop, finishing back at the park.

moseyed down to the school parking lot for Mary:

glute bridges ICx20

elbow plank 30 sec

glute bridges ICx10, each leg

three point plank 30 sec each leg

side plank 30 sec each arm


American hammer ICx20

mosey around the school, arriving at the cement wall on the opposite side for a 2-3 minute wall sit. Mosey back to parking lot.


quick shout out for the upcoming 3rd f opportunity at the shepherd center, then YHC took us out.

Naked Man Moleskin: