AO: Hot Tin Roof
QiC: Beetle
Pax Count: 9
Pax List: Amber, Bologna, Ginger Bear, Magic Mike, Meat And Three, Mountain Dew, OK, Reggie, Tagalong
FNG Count: 1
Standard Issue Warmup
5 sets of
- 5 pullups
- 10 kettle bell swings
- 15 merkins
- 20 coupon squats
Mosey to Ampitheather lots
Repeat 3x
- Run up first stairs
- bear craw across first lot
- run up second stairs
- 8 burpees
- run back to bottom
Mosey behind the art center and down to the street.
Mosey to pool hill
Sets up runs up pool hill, final sprint at the amphitheater.
Meat and Three and Magic Mike setting records bringing FNG (now Tagalong) to their 2nd workout ever!