Q School on 1Q22 – 2022-01-07

AO: Hot Tin Roof
QiC: Gates
Pax Count: 8
Pax List: Gates, Ginger Bear, Manhole, Meathead, Reggie, Sewage, Tommy Boy, Vertigo
FNG Count: 0

8 PAX braved the coldest air of the season for school…as in Q School. Reggie, Manhole and YHC along with input from others took a loop on Stella and back to HTR parking lot for some Q lessons along the way. Check out the Pax Tools Q101 Link for supporting documentation.

Warm up:

Reggie took us through a lessons on starting on time, disclaimer, and how to count with 3 burpees between each lesson to deal with the ridiculous amounts of microflexing (yep, that’s a documented thing)

The Thang:

After the Warmup and segment 1, Manhole led us out on a run on the Stella loop. Manhole led us through the following lessons while on the mosey with stops

  • F3 Mission & Core Principles
  • Pearls on a String concept
  • Taking care of the 6

After segment 2, YHC led the PAX in a partner exercise

  • Focus of this set of exercises is to build camaraderie and morale
  • 100 Merkins  (P1 does 10 while P2 holds plank; 100 total for group)
  • 100 Little Baby Crunches (LBCs) (P1 does 10 while P2 holds 6 inches 100 total for group)
  • 100 Squats (P1 does 10 while P2 holds air chair; 100 total for group)

We moseyed back to flag for a few MoM and final lessons on CoT

  • Pax did a rotating leader on the final MoM for Pax to practice counting
  • Discussed the Count off, Name O Rama, Announcements, Naming FNGs, Backblast,  making the CoT intentional and multiple ways to close out (prayer, reflection/silence, sharing and leading with vulnerability, etc.)


YHC shared a reflection from the Collision Learner Blog about F3 giving guys back their manhood through trusting them to lead and that I was confident in the Pax there to lead.

Naked Man Moleskin:

Manhole is not phased by “feels like 17” windchill…shows up to BD in tshirt and shorts!